Frequently asked questions

Ticks, Fleas & Mites

  • What is NexGard®?

    NexGard® is a tasty beef-flavoured chew that provides tick and flea protection for dogs

  • What is NexGard SPECTRA®?

    NexGard SPECTRA® is a beef-flavoured chew that provides the most complete protection against fleas, ticks, mites, and intestinal worms in a single chew. 

  • What is the difference between NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA®?

    Both NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® contain the active ingredient afoxolaner, providing excellent protection against fleas, ticks and mites.  NexGard SPECTRA® contains an additional active ingredient, milbemycin oxime, which provides protection against heartworm and intestinal worms. With two active ingredients, NexGard SPECTRA® provides the most complete protection against fleas, ticks, mites, heartworm disease and intestinal worms in just one tasty chew.

  • How long does NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® protect my dog from fleas and ticks?

    Both NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® chews will protect your dog from fleas and ticks for a full month.

  • How does NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® kill fleas?

    NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® kill fleas by over-stimulating their nervous system, which results in uncontrolled activity of their nervous system and death. This occurs within 6-8 hours of product administration. The rapid speed of action means adult fleas are killed before they can lay eggs, helping to prevent infestation of the environment.  Regular monthly treatment is recommended to keep your pet and home flea free.

  • How long does it take NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® to kill fleas?

    In a well-controlled laboratory study, NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® began to kill fleas four hours after initial administration and demonstrated >99% effectiveness at eight hours. In a separate well-controlled laboratory study, NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® demonstrated 100% effectiveness against adult fleas 24 hours post-infestation for 35 days.

  • Why may I see more fleas on my dog after administering NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA®?

    As NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® over-stimulate the flea’s nervous system resulting in hyper-excitation, you may see fleas rise to the top of your dog’s coat and appear more visible as they die.

  • Does NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® protect against mites?

    Both NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® protect dogs against mites. Just one monthly chew will treat and control three of the most common mites infesting dogs: Demodex mites (the cause of demodectic mange), Sarcoptes mites (the cause of sarcoptic mange, also known as scabies) and Otodectes, or ear mites (the cause of otedectic mange).

  • Where can I get NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA®?

    Both NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® can be purchased from your local vet, pet store or online retailer. Visit our Buy Now page for online retailers.

How To Use?

  • Do NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® kill ticks?

    NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® are highly effective at killing the most problematic tick species infesting dogs.

  • How do I dose my dog with NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA®?

    NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® are beef-flavoured chews that are for oral consumption only. For ease of dosing, NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® can be given with or without food. Remove only one chewable at a time from the foil-backed blister card. NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® are highly palatable chews that are readily consumed by dogs when offered as a treat. Alternatively, it can also be broken into pieces and fed to your dog in a small amount of dog food.

  • How do I dose my dog with NexGard®?

    NexGard® is a beef-flavoured chew that is for oral consumption only. For ease of dosing, NexGard® can be given with or without food. Remove only one chewable at a time from the foil-backed blister card. NexGard® is a highly palatable chew that is readily consumed by dogs when offered as a treat. Alternatively, NexGard® can also be fed to your dog in a small amount of dog food. 

  • Why is monthly treatment the best choice?

    NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA®'s simple monthly dosing ensures an easy-to-remember treatment regimen that makes remembering to treat your dog simple.

  • Does NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® need to be given with food?

     Unlike some treatments, NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® do not need to be given with food. You can choose to give the chew to your dog any time that suits you, with or without food.

  • What age can NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® be used from?

    NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® can be given to your puppy from just 8 weeks of age, providing they weigh at least 2 kg.

  • Can I administer NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® more than once a month?

    NexGard® chews have been shown to provide effective protection for a complete month: it is not required or recommended to treat more frequently than this. To ensure your dog is always protected, aim to dose your dog on the same day every month. It’s a good idea to set yourself a monthly reminder on your phone.

  • Can NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® chews be split so I can dose more than one dog?

    No. You’ve made the right choice in selecting NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® to protect your dog. Don’t risk under-dosing them. In order to ensure your dog receives the correct dose and parasite protection for a full month they must consume the entire chew appropriate for their weight.

  • Can NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® be administered to dogs with food allergies?

    NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® contain soy proteins. They contain no animal meat protein (including in the beef-flavouring), and are gluten free. Use with caution in dogs with a known hypersensitivity to soy.  Please consult your veterinarian before administering NexGard or NexGard SPECTRA® if your dog is undergoing a food trial.

  • Can I administer NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® if my dog is pregnant?

    The use of NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs. Consult your veterinarian for advice on suitable treatment options.

  • Can NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® be administered after expiration date?

    Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health does not recommend the administration of NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® beyond the labelled expiration date.

  • Can NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® be used on cats or other pets?

    No. NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® must only be used for dogs. 



  • Can I use NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® if my dog is on other medications?

    In a well-controlled field study, NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® was used concomitantly with other medications, such as vaccines, anthelmintics, antibiotics (including topicals), steroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), anesthetics, and antihistamines. No adverse reactions were observed from the concomitant use of NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® with other medications. For specific questions about your dog, we recommend that you consult with your veterinarian.

  • Is NexGard® safe to use on any breed of dog?

    NexGard® is safe and effective in any breed of dog when used as directed.

  • Are there any side effects of NexGard®?

    NexGard® (afoxolaner) is for use in dogs only. The most frequently reported adverse reactions include vomiting, itching, lethargy, diarrhoea, and lack of appetite. The safe use of NexGard® in pregnant, breeding, or lactating dogs has not been evaluated. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. 

  • What should I do if my dog experiences an unexpected reaction after taking NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA®?

    If you believe your dog has reacted unexpectedly following ingestion of NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA®, please speak to your veterinarian or contact Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Customer helpline at 086 0637 426

  • Is NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® harmful to humans if accidentally ingested?

    NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® may cause gastrointestinal disturbances if ingested by humans. In case of accidental ingestion, particularly in the case of children, seek medical advice immediately and provide the product label to the doctor. See product label for user safety directions.  To reduce the risk of accidental ingestion, keep out of reach of children, remove only one chewable at a time from the foil-backed blister card and administer to the dog immediately after removal from the packaging. Any suspected human adverse events should be reported to Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Customer helpline 086 0637 426

  • How long should I wait to bathe my dog (or let my dog go swimming) after giving NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA®?

    Because NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® are oral products, swimming or bathing have no effect on NexGard® and NexGard SPECTRA® . Your dog’s coat can get wet immediately after taking NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® .

Find the NexGard® range near you or online

Our products are available from a wide variety of reputable specialist retailers including pet shops, e-retailers, as well as most veterinary practices.